International Conference on Service-oriented Computing
ServTech is the main sponsor of the flagship conference in service-oriented computing, alternately held in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, including the Pacific Rim.
The ICSOC conference series started in 2003 in Trento, Italy, and celebrated its 10th anniversary 2013 in Berlin, Germany. ICSOC 21 will be held in autumn 2023 in Rome, Italy. A Wikipedia entry summarizes the history of ICSOC. Since ICSOC 2012, we have been collecting statistics on paper submissions and acceptances. They demonstrate the high quality of this conference series and illustrate in which geographical regions SOC research has been particularly strong at different times.
A column chart visualises the number of papers submitted and accepted as full, short, or industry papers per country and region, taking into account the origin of the presenting authors. Move the mouse over a column to see details in the tooltip. A geo chart shows the same information on a world map. Move the mouse over a coloured country to see details.